The REDigion Blog

Raising Earnest Disciples (John 8:31)

A Life Of Superfluous Nothingness

7It has been a couple of very busy weeks for me and I appeared to have lost myself amidst everything. Too many things to do with too little time for myself … hey, even having enriching morning devotion became a hard job because I had a long list of To-Dos which I, in fact, never achieved. I simply lost balance and I knew I had to do something fast because I got swallowed in the sea of nothingness.

Take a second to do a quick survey of your life and you may find out you are going through the same cycle. Waking up at 5a.m. and whispering a quick 5 minutes prayer because you are late and have to catch up with the 6a.m. staff bus (God understands, right?), then you get to the office and while you try to take a quiet moment to read a verse, your phone rings and it is your boss asking you for an unfinished task. You postpone the ‘moment’ till your lunch time, which you mostly spend at your desk anyway with doughnut on one hand while you work on your computer with the other…

The day passes like a whirlwind and at 5p.m. you remember you never actually had that time for God and you promise yourself tomorrow would be a better day. But the tomorrow never comes because your life is being remote-controlled by things that appear little but are in charge of your life.

Don’t you think it is high time you regained that control?

I decided to take a break and go for a retreat. It was God and I and nothing between. Hmmm… You will never realize how much you have ‘gone’ until you find yourself alone with God and when He begins to speak, all you can just say is ‘Lord, I surrender.’ Nothing in this world is really worth it until you let the Father be in control again.

Today is my last day in my spiritual hideout (wish I could remain here forever) and as I do a countdown back into the real world, I have decided that nothing will ever take the place of God, not work, not school, not even those little things.

Remember that until you decide to click the ‘pause’ button, your life will always be a merry-go-round of superfluous nothingness (Oops! But that’s the truth). The weekend is here again… what’s the plan? The choice is yours!

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25 thoughts on “A Life Of Superfluous Nothingness

  1. Ralph on said:

    #breathe deep…..

  2. Ugochi on said:

    You are so right my dear. May God help us all to always create time no matter the crazy schedules.

  3. Great piece. I really think I need a break. God and Me. Most times I get a better time with God @ night before going to bed.

    That moment when you think your relationship with God is going soar or things just seem to go wrong, remember A little talk with Jesus make things Right.

    God Bless you all!

  4. Hmmmmm! This is really striking and got an appropriate pertinence to my present state. I just feel like shutting down my PC (as I write this comment from my desk in the office) and go to b alone with my God. # I sooooooo need a break off this husting Lagos. And I perceive the Spirit’s beckon too.

    And, i will, i sure will…thanks, dear for this.

  5. Shiloh on said:

    Wow…I so love this. God help us. This is perhaps a common but potent tool the devil uses against Christians nowadays. And then we give excuses! “if not for Lagos, I will be/do more with God”. I am not in Lagos at the moment and this basically describes my life too, in many ways!

    Lord, my decision is made today – to tarry in Your presence not hasten out of Your presence! To make out time for You – The time is NOW!!!

    #Pause, Ponder then Progress!
    #Retreat, Reflect then Refire!
    #Stop, Seek then Sail

  6. Really deep,if one can’t figure out a fixed time for devotion now,then when,if one,as a student could actually miss breakfast or stab bath for exams or classes,then why not for a personal ‘imperative discussion with your maker.

  7. Beloved on said:

    That’s the cycle of the employed. If you do nothing about your vocational status,the cycle would eventually become a norm. The employer takes your life and give you legally printed papers!!! I ended that cycle by firing my boss and taking over the boss seat. Tho deligence keeps me coming early to work but I have liberty to come late to have more time with God although I wake up veery early most times. Start planning to fire your boss and take over the boss seat of your own company!!! Great weekend!!

  8. mercy on said:

    Great advise I rily nid more tym 2 talk wit my God. Fankz

  9. Gabriel Aloku on said:

    So timely, glad I am spending this weekend with God for our revival weekend where I am. We all need to work towards it, make up our mind to create time for God amidst all the hustling. At the end, “the watch man waketh but in vain”, if God doesn’t keep watch. All our hustling is nothingness without Him

    • ‘What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?’ In our hustling to meet the need of the physical, the spiritual should not be left hungry. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Hmmmmm, sack your Boss, stop, seek then sail. Conscious effort to walk and move closely to God. Grace Lord give me. Anu, God bless and be with you always.

  11. Debroslink on said:

    Man without God is nothing… Poseidon. I personally noticed the more time I spend chasing money and good life means less time for my Maker, which leads to unfulfillment. I need a retreat, a personal one.

    • We need to strike a balance where we enjoy the goodness of God on earth and eventually in Heaven. Take the chance. It’s a beautiful experience.

  12. ebenezer on said:

    Wow! My gosh! So true! God Help

  13. so so so true! i used to think that Christian life was more difficult in the days when they were condemned to death or eaten by lions but now, i know that ours are much worse cuz these ‘unseen’ lions starting from irate conductors and drivers to ‘special’ colleagues for lack of an appropriate adjective. at the end of the day, sometimes all i do is pray for forgiveness… God just has to be first, and i know He has more than enough grace for us. i really wanna get my share o!

  14. Gbenga on said:

    Inspiring piece! But I think what dis generation of Xtians need is wisdom. I fell into dis trap sm time ago until early dis year dat I allowed d wisdom of God to prevail. This is my story. In between my last job and dis, I had sm months break which afforded me d opportunity of an intimitate fellowship wt God. One of wat I used to do then was prayer walk wc I enjoyed greatly,walking several kilometers jst discussing wt my Maker,mostly early in d morning. But as soon as I got dis job, I got lost, too “busy” for all dat. But sm time ago, d Spirit of God ministered to me. I realised I am entitled to a one hour break,wc is mostly unused by all Staff. These days, I av converted it to my fellowship hour. I simply take a walk, I leave my fone n everything so as to avoid distraction – even from the office. Now I still experience d joy I used to because I allowed wisdom of God to prevail. God help us.

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